Custom Portrait Painting. Real Paint on Canvas from $89

Get a 100% hand-made portrait painting from a master portrait artist in oil, watercolor, charcoal, or other mediums. Free shipping and 100% money-back guarantee. Unlimited revisions included with all orders. All artworks are painted or drawn by hand in real life by a real artist, and shipped to your door. Just upload a photo to get started.

Oil portrait of an old dog sitting

Start your order withjust a 20% deposit.

About ourArtists

We are an open platform for all artists around the world. When you submit an order you are matched with an independent artist who makes the art by hand from their home and ships it to your door.

Why Choose Instapainting?

Free shipping

Free shipping

If it's bigger than 12"x12" we'll cover the shipping cost of our Economy Saver Shipping option.

Money Back Guarantee

Money Back Guarantee

If you don't like you artwork for any reason (it happens), we'll refund your money if you tried at least one revision with the artist. Just contact us within 30 days of receiving your painting.

Unlimited Revisions

Unlimited Revisions

Tweak and adjust your artwork as long as you are able to describe the specific changes you want made to the finished painting.

Portrait of a man in a suit holding his dog

Really nice painted portrait, if i did another i would send additional pictures of the faces in the picture to add clarity but it is still really nice


Anchorage, US

Portrait painting in oil of an older gentlman alongside a younger gentleman.

Hello: We received our painting. It is absolutely W.O.N.D.E.R.F.U.L. We could not ask for anything better. Absolutely incredible !!!! 10 ********** My mother in law cried a river. She is so happy !!!!! You made the process so easy and the communication was fantastic too. For Christmas, I am going to order a photo of our little Yorkie for my wife. She will be the next one to flood the house with tears of joy ! Thank you again !!!! Great Job !!! Andrew Falensky


North Olmsted, US

3 dogs painted in the style of Dynamism of a Cyclist by Umberto Boccioni.

Haerim took a blurry photo from 2013 and gave me a painting that so much exceeded my expectations; she really got the expressions on their faces. All three dogs have passed on now and I wanted something special that expressed the joy these three misfit dogs had, my Musketeers, and now I have it. Thank you so much for this wonderful memorial to my buddies.


Fairfax, US

What is aPortrait Painting?

Typically, a portrait painting is a hand-painted depiction of a person’s face, where the individual and their facial expression and personality can be seen. Many of the great artwork you will see in our gallery fit this description, however, our talented artists can work from any photograph and perfectly capture the moments that matter most to you!

How Long Does it Take ToPaint a Portrait?

Our typical turnaround times generally range from 5-15 days, for all of our products. The specific turnaround time for your portrait project can vary based on your unique requirements like your artwork size. Expedited shipping ranges from 3-5 business days, and Economy Saver shipping can take up to 4 weeks for transit. With expedited shipping, most orders are at your door around 3 weeks from ordering, and with economy saver shipping it can take 4-6 weeks.